Welcome to Project 45!
This was an open forum and compilation of statements & stories that Americans had on the subject of their 45th President, Donald John Trump. Rather than scouring the internet for random pieces of information, this page serves as a small yet singular historical compendium on the subject.
All submissions were treated equally and fairly.
Submissions were not amended or censored in any way. This unbiased approach created the best portal for such important and very personal information, free from debate, invalidation, or violence. All voices were welcome.
The culmination of these joined efforts resulted in an honest, unfiltered view of the nation we have become under this man's time in office. It was an opportunity to not only share experience(s)-- for good or bad, better or worse-- but to understand our nation more fully through the words and experiences of other Americans as we navigated this new political arena together.
This is about us. Me and you. Everyone.
This is a social artwork. And this is history.
Thank you for your interest.
This is about us. Me and you. Everyone.
This is a social artwork. And this is history.
Thank you for your interest.
Solicitations and Participation Ended on Inauguration Day 2021.
Please read & share Project 45 so it can reach a wider and more diverse audience.
Because of Trump,
... our country has become more divisive than ever.
... my family has been divided and has said very hurtful things.
... our once respected, powerful country of which I was so proud has become weakened and a laughing stock to the rest of the world.
... I am way more frightened for the future of my family, and especially for my daughter.
... I have become more politically, culturally, and socially aware.
... my eyes have been opened to systemic racism and white privilege that I had no idea was so ingrained in our country’s history and policies.
... I’ve lost respect and trust in media sources.
... I’ve witnessed evil.
... I have more sadness for my fellow man/woman who have been set up for failure in our capitalist system where only the rich get richer and the poor stay poor.
Because of Trump, it feels to me as if we were back in the 1960’s. Race riots and so much hate. I cannot fathom why women would be voting for this man. We Women are strong and must know in their gut the way he truly feels. I truly feel he has degraded women in his actions and words. It tears me apart to think that he could care less about pro life. I’m sure there are instances of abortion of which we will never know.
You would think that pro life would be ABOUT THE LIVING... and not just in the womb. No one... and I mean no one, can possibly understand that sometimes a woman needs to make hard choices. I’ve seen this as a nurse. I don’t judge, I remain exactly as I should be... taking care of my patient. I don’t want women dying by butchers because there is no other way.
Because of Trump...
I am ashamed to call myself an American. He represents the very worst of humanity and unfortunately, he has a cult-like following who are willing to tolerate his abhorrent behavior. Those who claim is he God's chosen one and plot to keep him in office by any means necessary.
Because of Trump...
I have seething hate that I have never experienced before in my life. As a registered life-long Republican I have watched him completely destroy the GOP. He has perverted into a racist mob that I do not recognize.
He has distorted nearly every institution we once held dear.
Because of Trump...
I can now understand how Adolf Hitler came to power.
Donald Trump MUST BE STOPPED!!!
North Carolina
Because of Trump, I am in a constant state of depression and uncertainty about the future. I fear my civil right to marry will be rescinded, women I know and love will be denied proper healthcare, the cost of medication will continue to rise and I will not be able to collect Social Security benefits.
Because of Trump, I am embarrassed to be an American.
Because of Trump -
- I am unhappy
- I feel a sense of dread every time I read the news or open social media
- our country is not great, it's worse
- I am no longer proud to be an American
- I am considering leaving the country
- there is more fighting amongst Americans
- there is needless suffering on many fronts
- Americans feel that it is ok to express hatred toward other people and nobody is correcting that behavior
- our country is going backwards with regard to climate change
- more people are sick from COVID-19
- our country is more politically divided than ever
- people are less kind
- I am speaking out more against injustice
- I am voicing my opinions on politics
- I am actively encouraging people not just to vote, but to think first before voting
- instead of looking at many candidates for president, I'm feeling that I must vote Democrat even if I feel that person isn't the best one for job
- I feel the phrase, "Anyone but Trump"
- I am truly worried about the future of our country
- I am concerned that we might not be able to recover
- I am worried about the validity of election results
- I am worried that he is trying to change our democracy into an autocracy
New Jersey
Because of Trump the multi-decade genocidal War between Kosovo and Serbia ended in Peace. Something I never thought I’d live to see
Because of Donald Trump I’m embarrassed to be American.. embarrassed bc we couldn’t be united in this fight against this deadly virus .. embarrassed that other countries refuse our entry bc we as a nation couldn’t do what we needed to do to stop the spread . I’m sad that their are those that follow his every word .. even sadder when they’re close friends of mine It’s unbelievable that people will eat up every lie he tells . I’m just flat out SAD that this is what we’ve come to as the United States of America or are we now the Divided States of America
North Carolina
Because of Trump, I have come to see the lack of compassion of so many friends and family to the pain and suffering of those not in their small circle.
Because of Trump, I no longer see Democrats and Republicans as a positive tension, but as the delineation between compassion and selfishness, generosity and greed, tolerance and fanaticism.
Because of Trump, I am horrified to see the irrational rationalizations Republicans use to continue to justify hateful, selfish, ugly behavior.
Because of Trump, I am glad that I can't travel outside of the country right now. I would be too embarrassed to admit that I am an American.
Because of Trump, I see white supremacists and racists being given a voice and permission to commit violence and mayhem on innocent people.
Because of Trump, I see a White House devoid of warmth and leadership.
Because of Trump, I watch our Republican legislators fiddling while our democracy crumbles.
Because of Trump, I have discovered that almost half of our population is selfish, racist, and greedy enough to risk our democracy to achieve their own ends. And those people have always been here, always felt that way. It just took Trump to give them a voice, And that is the saddest part of all.
New Jersey
Because of Trump... I live with anxiety. Anxiety about the division of our nation. Anxiety about the pandemic. Anxiety about how people are treated based on the color of their skin.
Because of Trump... I hear my husband say on numerous occasions that he is thankful we don’t have kids during these times.
Because of Trump... we pay more taxes than he does.
Because of Trump... I never wished more for that feeling of hope I had when Obama became our President.
Because of Trump...I feel more secure against outside enemy threats.
Because of Trump...I feel safe to express my patriotism and religious views without people replying that they’re offended by those expressions.
Because of Trump...I think that we should only allow presidential candidates who have served in the military for at least 4 years to campaign.
Because of Trump...I think the media has lost all sense of integrity by doing anything and everything to push their liberal agenda.
Because of Trump...I literally have no clue which direction our country is headed in.
New Hampshire
Headline, 03 October 2020:
Trump Tests Positive for the Coronavirus
Because of Trump...
...I realize how easily our "democracy" can be gamed.
...I have seen how quickly the GOP will abandon it's stated values for power.
...I realize just how much the DEMs will hold on to moral high ground over winning politics.
...I have been using the phrase "I don't ever want you to act like the President" with my children.
...I see how much the legislature and businesses are cowed by Presidential tweets.
...We have seen just how far the national attitude of inclusion has declined over the past 10 years.
...I double- and triple-check stories that I read from any mainstream media source.
...I have observed that distrust of public figures and public-facing media has become the norm.
...I believe there should be a temperament requirement for the Office of the Presidency.
North Carolina
Because of Trump, I have lost faith in people I used to look up to. He opened the door to let people come out as racist, selfish, and bigoted. I now see people’s true colors. Sometimes I wish I didn’t know the truth, because it hurts so badly. But because of Trump, I refuse to blindly follow anyone ever again. I vow to always form my own opinion, and research things extensively from several different views.
New York
Because of Trump I am...
in a constant state of disbelief...
scared for the future of our country...
sad to see the lack of civility in the White House...
angry a lot of the time...
frustrated with so many of my friends and family that refuse to pay attention to science...
terrified that it will all happen again this November...
Because of Trump, I do not trust my neighbors.
Because of Trump, I have panic attacks while deciding if I'm in the mood for Provolone or American cheese.
Because of Trump, I both want to marry my partner as soon as possible, in case that right is stripped away.
Because of Trump, I don't want to marry my partner at all, in case that right is stripped away, and I'm left with the confusion, hurt, and utter brokenness of a nullified union.
Because of Trump, I have lost respect for people I have considered family.
Because of Trump, I have lost respect for actual family.
Because of Trump, I have never been more politically active.
Because of Trump, I have never been more financially charitable.
Because of Trump, I have never looked forward so much.
New Jersey
Because of Trump, I am ASHAMED of my fellow Americans that have fallen into the democratic and media takeover of thought and fair mindedness. I am saddened that so many blame him for everything, when in fact, it is the wickedness of the Democratic party that has caused most all that he is blamed for. I am heartbroken that a whole portion of our country, would let the media convince them they are miserable *because* of Trump, if they are miserable it is their own fault, for allowing their minds to be taken over by evil and doom & gloom; it is pathetic that so many have been led to give up every good thing in their own lives to obsess with Trump.
Because of trump im happy gas and oul prices are reasonable price.
Im happy that in 4 years he kept us out of war.
Because of trump our country has great trade deals an our stock market is at a all time high. Im happy our taxes aren't thru the roof. Because of trump our troops don't have to worry when shit goes down there will be more 2 rescue them. Im happy that trump shows our military an first responders the credit they do deserve!
Because of trump our country was great again. I can keep going but I put way to much time into this then your worth
Because of Trump,
I awaken each day to a sense of dread - wondering, indeed fearing, what new outrages he has committed in words and deeds.
I am embarrassed by his foreign policy, whereby he undermines our longstanding alliances with free nations while embracing geo-political adversaries, such as Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong--un, showing he apparently has never met a dictator he didn't like.
I am appalled by his fanning the flames of discord in our country -- encouraging violence during peaceful demonstrations.
I am sickened by his embracing racists and racism; his encouraging violence against peaceful protestors and his vile and sexist conduct and statements concerning women.
I am outraged by him treating his office as a cash cow -- enriching himself and his corporations, such as his D.C. hotel and other properties, as foreign dignitaries and delegations, lobbyists seeking favor and GOP sycophants crowd themselves in to gain his favor.
As a Vietnam veteran, I loathe his disrespect for our military. Those who serve our nation are patriots. Those who sacrifice their lives -- my high school classmates and brother-in-law -- WERE and ARE NOT "suckers" and "losers." It is no wonder so many of our top military leaders have abandoned his side. To gain respect, one must show respect.
As an American, I consider his collusion with Russia to gain his office in 2016 and the reported ongoing attempts to reclaim it in 2020 to be treasonous. At the same time, his retweeting spurious QAnon conspiracy theories is seditious.
As a citizen in a free society, I am shocked and angered by his undermining of our intelligence and law enforcement agencies AND MOST ESPECIALLY his selecting an Attorney General who has positioned the Justice Department to serve as his personal attorneys -- attempting to indict and incarcerate political foes.
Finally, as a human being, I find his mishandling of the Covid 19 pandemic to be a damnable act or incompetence which history may well judge as the single greatest failure of an American presidency.
That I could continue writing chapter and verse on his mean-spirited, vengeful and cruel reign (from putting kids in cages to spewing forth White Nationalistic viewpoints) is testament to this obvious conclusion: Our nation, our world, will never be safe during the presidency of Donald J. Trump.
Because of Trump our country has been divided by TRUTH!
Trump expects his supporters to accept that *ALL* of the following are lying:
• Democrats
• All major news media
• Fox News
• His niece
• His sister
• His former attorney
• Dozens of former staffers
• International media
• Foreign leaders
• Courts
• Juries
• Grand Juries
• Governors
• His own intelligence community
• The World Health Organization
• Dr. Fauci
• Former Presidents
• Videos showing him saying things he later says he never said
*Everyone in the world* who disagrees with Trump is lying.
And only he tells the truth.
Even when he says he never said something that you can pull up a video and watch him say, he's still telling the truth!?
Trump supporters... Will you never be offended by how stupid he believes you to be?
New York
Because of Trump I have seen first hand how rampant hate and greed are in this country. I have seen the death of civility, and a greater push for "what's good for me." Furthermore, what bothers me more than Trump himself is the 40% of Americans who subscribe to his rhetoric and worldview.
Because of Trump I no longer see us a nation that is fit to carry the mantle for other nations.
Because of Trump we are on even closer to another civil war as he ratchets up the rhetoric and the division.
Because of Trump science has moved even further to the background in this age of "fake news" - when facts have no bearing on the truth.
Because of Trump I am no longer proud to be American.
Because of Trump I realize how fractured as a nation we've become.
New Jersey
Because of Trump, I have never felt safer and more confident in the direction of country.
Because of Trump, I was able to start a successful small business.
Because of Trump, my veteran relatives are well taken care of.
Because of Trump, I feel confident in knowing that child sex trafficking will soon be a thing of the past.
Because of Trump, the streets are safer and the oceans are cleaner.
Because of Trump, millions of trees are getting planted.
Because of Trump, my 401k is soaring.
Because of Trump, I know what my hospital bill will be before I obtain services.
Because of Trump, I know I can get experimental drug treatment if I have no other options.
Because of Trump, animal abusers can now go to jail.
Because of Trump, I have faith.
Because of Trump, my love for this country is greater than ever before.
New Jersey
Becauase of Trump, I now realize that there are sinister forces on the left that are attempting to transform this country into a one party socialist state like the old Soviet Union, and I am glad to have someone in the White House who is fighting like hell to prevent this.
Because of Trump, I now have someone fighting against the racist demonization of white males for the crime of being economically successful due to hard work.
Because of Trump, we now are pursuing policies that put American workers and American security first. In addition, we are now forcing our allies to pay their fair share for the USA guaranteeing their security.
Because of Trump, for the first time in my lifetime, I actually feel that we have a president who loves this country and wants EVERY American to have the opportunity to achieve economic success through hard work and individual effort.
Because of Trump the citizens of the US have been shown the extent at which the deep state/media has been enriching themselves and consolidating their power at our expense.
Because of President Trump's success, they have had to accelerate their agenda and reveal their agenda to control our thoughts, intrude on our lives at a level that is naked tyranny.
I support President Trump completely in his efforts to expose and defeat these enemies of our great country.
For those who say he is abrasive, and offends them, I say, I would rather back the leader who the communist left vehemently opposes, but occasionally leaves me wishing his tweets were less off putting, then hand my constitutional rights to corrupt communist who enrich them selves with bribe taking, money laundering and influence peddling completely at the expense of the American People's freedom and property.
If one can't see the obvious choice, then the communist conditioning has progressed too far and we will have lost our freedom.
Because of Trump, 7 or 8 people I have known for the last 20 years decided to vote for the first time 4 years ago after not voting in any election for the last 20 years. They don't admit that he appeals to their racism (I'm white, and they're white), they've said "He's saying things that need to be said."
I"ve spent hours talking about the history of Donald Trump. I have family that goes back 5 generations in New York City and I lived there in my 20's. Some of these folks depend on the ACA, and 4 years ago couldn't name their own Congressman, Senator, or anybody in the State government.
Trump is the Professional Wrestling President. He has stepped out of a fake reality into the real world and a certain number of people believe his act. But he is an actor. There is nothing authentic about him except for his greed.
Because of Trump, people have been freaking out on a wild fantasy fueled by media and academia gaslighting. It's both hilarious and terrifying. They brew hatred, division and fantastical conspiracy theories and then blame the President for what they themselves have caused.
Because of tRump we are divided.
Not by red and blue.
Not by right and left.
Because of tRump we are divided by right and wrong.
I don't think many democrats will tell you that Biden was their first choice...or even second, to be honest. But he is who we have to use as our step toward making America a place where everyone is equal. A place where people are kind.
I read recently - vote for the candidate you would let watch your dog for a weekend.
Because of Trump, America's racist past and present have collided; bringing to the forefront what minorities have been experiencing in this country for almost 150 years since the abolishing of slavery.
New Jersey
Because of Trump, our country has gone backwards.
Because of Trump, Nazis run wild in the streets.
Because of Trump, COVID ravages the nation.
Trump must be removed from power, along with his enablers.
New York
Because of Trump:
I have learned hate.
I have learned to live with a hate filled heart.
I have learned anger.
Where once there was peace, there is anger.
I have learned hopelessness.
Where once there was positivity, there is desperation.
I have learned chronic sadness.
Where once there was optimism, there is depression.
Because of Trump, I have lost my humanity. I am a depressed shell of the human I used to be. I have no motivation. I want bad things to happen to 'them' ...
Because of Trump,
I have become 'Them'
Because of Trump I woke up each morning thinking, " What's next?" Between the crazy tweets and his rants and tantrums I worried that some home grown terrorist or cult follower would react in a violent way.
New Jersey
Because of Trump I no longer speak to one family member who became verbally abusive. I wake up every morning wondering "what did he Tweet last night?" I am 70 years old and have voted in almost every single election, both local and national, since I was old enough to vote. Because of Trump, and many of the Republican hypocrites who changed their tune once he became president, I see a division in our country that I never saw before in my lifetime. I also became a straight Democrat voter even though I've always been an Independent voter and have split my ticket many times over my lifetime, voting for the person rather than the party.
Headline, 04 November 2020:
As America Awaits a Winner, Trump Falsely Claims He Prevailed
Headline, 08 November 2020:
Biden Wins Presidency, Ending Four Tumultuous Years Under Trump
Headline, 08 November 2020:
A President-Elect Shaped by Tragedy and Tradition
Headline, 08 November 2020:
Kamala Harris Makes History as First Woman and Woman of Color as VP
Trump held a mirror up to our nation, exposing its ugly inderbelly. For all that people wave flags and proclaim their loyalty, they betray the very principles that this country was founded upon every day. It us up to all of us to work towards a better America, one that can stand proudly with other first world countries and be recognized for leadership again.
New York
Because of Trump, at least 600 people have died of coronavirus. Because of Trump, children have been seprated from their parents. Honestly, do i even have to say any more?
[State Not Provided]
Newsworthy, 14 November 2020:
U.S. COVID-19 Deaths Surpass 250K
[Because of Trump,...]
I am
in a constant state of disbelief and shock!
scared for the future of our country...
sad to see 45 make a mockery of our country...
disgusted that family& friends refuse to wear a mask ...
disappointed the GOP is doing nothing to delay/discredit 45
Because of President Trump my family & I finally had a pro-Life advocate in the White House. He defeated ISIS, cut everyone's taxes, exposed the Deep State, & took "government" out of our lives by reducing regulations. Our family was barely hanging on in the 8 years before President Trump was inaugurated. Those were 8 wasted years for a once-great country. God willing, President Trump will prevail & my family & the nation will not be dragged back to the misery of the previous administration.
President trump is the best president ever. [Because of Trump,] I feel safe in our country he dont put up crap with any of the other leaders. He has cut taxes where i have more on my paycheck. I love the low gas prices. He has done more for the black community them any other president. I love the fact that we have school of choice there so much more. I dont vote for the arrogance personality of a person i vote for polices and i vote for promises made promises kept.
[State Not Provided]
[Because of Trump,] I voted to remove our impeached potus & I find it hard to believe he is still in the same position as millions suffer
[Because of Trump,] I am embarrassed to wave an American flag.
He has forever stained what it means to be an American, and he has brought so much shame to all of us. He has made me realize what a horrifyingly divisive nation we live in, and how much racism, sexism, hate, xenophobia, and disgustingness permeate our society.
For years he's been above the law, though he has committed economic crimes and sexual assault crimes, and I'm sure there are others we don't yet know about. He's responsible for hundreds of thousands of COVID deaths, because he cared more about himself and his political capital than about caring for the people he was elected (barf) to serve. Now, because he's a big fat baby who can't admit a fair defeat (thank god), he's trying to put in place a literal coup. It's horrifying and shameful, though at this point he's so pathetic it's not even scary.
Because of Trump, I will find it difficult to respect the Republican party for as long as I live.
Because of trump i cannot get past the image of him making fun of that reporter with a disability. I have a son with a disability and because of trump I feel worse about the world I am leaving him in when I pass on. Also my extended family cannot have get togethers or vacations due to his hate speech and message to his cult members. He was able to get to 2 of my family members and now we cannot even get together because they are filled with such hatred. Trump destroys countries and families. I voted for Hillary then and now Biden and I would do it again 100 times if I had to. Good riddance loser
[State Not Provided]
Because of Trump...
I believe our Country is more divided than ever.
I believe our place on the Worlds' Stage has been diminished.
I have separated from certain friends and family.
I see a division that will continue to grow among us.
I see bullying and disrespect for others seen as OKAY now.
I see ignorance all around me as so many people would rather believe incredulous stories than the facts.
I am disappointed in my fellow man.
I am as mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.
I have become more pro-active.
I have become a more informed citizen.
I will not just talk the talk; but prepared to walk the walk; to be the change I want to see.
Thanks to Trump to many lives have been lost, and way to many people have been hurt. Families have been torn apart, and some still waiting to reunite. Apart from all this, our country is suffering the greatest damage. We need to start to heal, and reunite to build the greatest strength we once we're.
Because of Trump, I have stopped speaking to a close family member. She has chosen to worship the ground that he walks on, and turn her back on her family. She has a new circle now.
I feel like I wake up, trapped in a bad reality show everyday. I say good riddance, but he will not allow himself to vanish, neither will his followers, that eat his lies up. He has let me down, and so have many friends and family, with their actions.
New York
Because of trump I now see just how horrible so many people are. How uneducated. How intolerant. How bigoted. How mean spirited and cruel. I thought we were a better nation. I’m ashamed to call my self an American.
Because of Trump, I have lost my bedrock faith in how the democratic process stands to save us from an authoritarian leader. I realize now how naïve I’ve been about the ease with which a charismatic strongman can rewire the brains of my neighbors and create deep division. By nature, I am an optimistic person. But Trump and his enablers and followers have allowed a deep sadness to infect my outlook. I feel less connected to my rural community as a whole. It’s something that I’ll continually need to fight against as I come to terms with the fact that racism, sexism, and selfishness wants to overwhelm the good in this world. Because of Trump I’m more determined to set an example based on positive progressive ideals in my community.
This man has lead to more anxiety and stress than any other American leader ever. [Because of Trump] I constantly worry he's going to end the world in nuclear annihilation. He has caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands Americans through his negligence. He is doing everything in his power to divide America and cause as much damage as possible on his way out. He is a traitor and only looks out for his own best interests.
Because of Donald Trump, I have actively become an anti-racist. I have sought out education on Critical Race Theory and White Privilege. I have read the 1619 Project which has opened my eyes to how the United States was built on inequality. I've witnessed my friends fear for their safety in Trump’s America, be they BIPOC or LGBT+, or God forbid, both. I have witnessed my government act to take away basic human and Civil Rights of American Citizens. I've watched my government illegally detain and separate immigrants and their children her legally applying for asylum.
I've watched Republicans and Conservatives and Evangelicals throw any semblance of morality away to support a dictator.
I've long watched Donald Trump defraud small businesses in Atlantic City by never paying them. Now I watch him quadruple the deficit while so-called conservatives cheer him on.
Donald Trump is a racist, misogynistic CON MAN. If you look into his real history, everything the man has ever involved himself in was a con. Our country will still not be perfect, but it will be better off without him at the helm. Our allies will have confidence again.
But we must remain vigilant. Trump is only a symptom of a problem. He is an internet comment section come to life. Politicians must start to address the reasons people flocked to him so easily in the first place, or we will have just opened a vacuum for the next Trump in 2024... & that one may actually be smart and competent enough to do real damage.
Because of Trump, I’m embarrassed to be an American and disgusted with my fellow citizens. To follow Trump, one has to be either dumb, hateful, gullible, or willing to turn a blind eye to all of that for the sake of political opportunism. I think maybe that last one is the worst of them. Looking at you, Mitch McConnell et. al. May history treat you unkindly.
I don’t feel good about my own views getting increasingly extreme, but things feel too scary right now to concede *any* ground. So the triggering and polarizing will continue until maybe our souls have had some time to heal.
Thanks, asshole.
[Because of Trump] Our position as a global leader and beacon of hope has been destroyed and respect for American government and ideals demolished.
The office of the president has become a farce, a melting pot of nepotism and rampant with constant changes and blatant grabs of power and money by the Entire trump family.
Because of Trump we have had the best four years of our companies privately owned business. Electrical/HVAC, people are happy and doing alot of work in their homes... were doing.
[State Not Provided]
I am tired of being tired. Because of Trump I am awoke and watching the government like never before. Because of Trump I will forever be watching who’s running for office and if they will represent Trump. Because of Trump I am wearing a mask and fearful of gathering with my family on the holidays. Because of Trump I am even more grateful for Biden.
Because of Donald Trump…
You have created a sewage system here where people can spout more lies about him; and the very violence that you say Republicans have participated in is true of yourselves and only of yourselves. That wasn’t Republicans out there lighting matches at midnight burning down cities. It was you.
Because of Trump ... I have learned that democracy should never be taken for granted. I have learned that it can be stolen - or at least attempted to be stolen - by lies, fake news, bullying and grandstanding.
New York
Because of Trump, I became scared for the outwardly bigoted world my children will grow up in. Living in the south we had racists become emboldened and proudly make racist remarks in a way I’ve never experienced. The first few months of his campaign he seemed like the crazy uncle at thanksgiving.
But as the years went on he got scary, and his supporters did too. Hate crimes rose, he encouraged police brutality on our African American brothers and sisters, he stripped healthcare rights from our LGBTQ brothers and sisters. He is evil. He is a cancer. Our country became divided. It became evil and ugly. He has disrespected true military heroes by calling them suckers and losers and the VA hasn’t gotten any better like he so claimed, in fact, his newest claim is to withhold military pay by vetoing the defense budget if he can’t sue Twitter. Meaning the military won’t get paid right before Christmas. Just a complete disregard for anyone’s life but he’s own.
He belongs in Prison.
Because of Trump we have lost close friends to Covid-19. We have friends struggling to move forward with their lives. We have a daughter who is suffering from depression and anxiety. Our family has divided. Because of Trump the entire world is at risk of a war and suffering.
Because of Trump our country has become divided in ways that I have never, ever seen even in the 1960's with Civil Rights. He as lied, cheated, and didn't care what happened to any of us during the Corona virus...It was all about himself, and causing racial division, and chaos !! He has caused me and so many people such mental distress, that I had to go on antidepressants...He is a coward and dangerous man and I am so happy that Joe Biden was elected President, so that we can get back to 'normal' and not insanity, like we've had the past 4 years with Donald Trump !!
Because of this 🐷 Trump our allies and the rest of the world don’t respects our country anymore!! He caused the most damage ever to our country . Richard Nixon looks like a particle in the air compared to trumps corrupt ways. This guy f***** America !! And he’s continuously making a evil mess in our country like if he really wants our adversaries take advantage of our vulnerability during the transition to a new president . He should be indicted for treason!! Traitor crook bastard 🐷. I just feel sorry for those people sending him money for his own use. He said it before , he loves spending other people’s money but his followers don’t learn how corrupt he is 🐷
Because of Trump, I now know that there are 70M people in this country who are racist, misogynist, hateful bullies. I cannot unknow that. I don’t know what to do with this knowledge, and I no longer think that most people are fundamentally good.
Our 45th president has demonstrated the need for a better informed presidential candidate in future elections. He/She must have a better understanding of how the branches of government interact; a better understanding of our (USA's) standing and objectives with our allies and those we would like to have as allies. An understanding that our government serves all citizens equally regardless of their race, religion, non-religion, education, health, (including those challenged with health anomalies (biological or otherwise), or the state of their residence. [Because of Trump] His term makes it clear that some kind of test/application may need to be taken and passed by future candidates for a demonstration that he/she has a basic understanding of how are government functions before he/she is allowed to run for our highest office. #45 demonstrated a complete disregard for our safety and our acceptance from our foreign allies and encouraged some of them to seek protection from our "enemies". His mishandling of COVID-19, as of this writing, has resulted in 15 million+ cases and over 283,835 deaths in the USA alone. His ignorance of environmental safety for our future attempted to reverse all of the prohibitions put in place to curtail or eliminate actions that threaten our atmosphere and harm this planet.
[State Not Provided]
Because of Trump....
I will have to tell my kids one day that being rude, vile, and insulting others is bad, even if the president does it. I will have to explain how we degraded the highest office in the world by letting a bully and letting someone that only cares for himself into the office. I’ll have to teach my daughter that consent is important, even if the president doesn’t believe it. (Grab them by the pussy)
I believe our military has been politicized to represent a political party, even though both parties fail to address the suicide rate among veterans. While he dodged drafts sitting on golden toilets, others died all around him.
I am scared to fly and display the American flag, for it has been hijacked by conservative ideology to represent only their ideals. American flag should represent all of the American people, and that flag represents our right to fly other flags to identify ourselves as, BLM, Pride, Native American, etc.
I fear for people’s right to protest, as the president retweets videos with “White Power” being said in them. As he made steps to militarize responses to protests, just as they did in WWII, China, Japan, and so many other authoritarian states. While others were condemning violence, he was telling groups to stand by and be ready. While others respected the 1st amendment, he attacked others who used it. He continuously fired and silenced people who spoke facts as truth against him.
Because of Trump, America has become the laughing stock of the world. I can not believe anyone voted for this ignorant, uneducated, disrespectful, despicable, race baiting fool.
Because of Trump, racism increased and racists felt comfortable flaunting their madness.
Because of Trump, Republicans aren’t worth mentioning. They’re just like the gullible fools captured by Trump charlatan spell.
Because of Trump, Republican barely stood against him and the one that did was Mitt Romney. The rest will go down in history as spineless, ass kissing fools.
Because of Trump, I lost friends to a cult.
Because of Trump, over 200,000 people died including a few of my cousins.
Because of Trump, people don’t give a damn about social distancing, wearing a mask, or caring about others. They’re willing to sacrifice their parents lives and ours because Trump told them it’s no big deal.
Because of Trump, children have been snatch away from their loved ones, lost in the system, and his supporters don’t care.
Because of Trump, his administration did his illegal bidding, were exposed as bumbling idiots, and giving pardons in exchange for loyalty.
Because of Trump, over 80 million people voted his behind out of office.
Because of Trump, future generations will wonder why millions of Americans followed and supported a fool.
Because of Trump, the world saw the first incompetent president become the biggest loser of the 2021 Election.
Because of Trump and the Republicans trying desperately hard to cheat, lie, and steal a legit election, the Supreme Court kicked 🍊🤡officially out the White House.
Because of Trump, we realize an idiot could/would be elected president.
Because of Trump- I pray we never elect another fool to the White House.
I know President Trump is selfish, power hungry, bored, and is an incompetent president and cannot lead this nation as one nation forward.
Newsworthy, 11 December 2020:
U.S. COVID-19 Deaths Surpass 300K
Because of Trump:
1. Our once- great nation has become an object of scorn and pity to the rest of the world.
2. Nearly 300k Americans are dead in an easily preventable cataclysm. He's the one who made masks and social distancing a political issue. He spread lies and conspiracy theories when he knew how serious Covid was.
3. So many things we never had to spell out , things we could just take for granted and leave to norms and the sense of decency and patriotism of our elected officials, are now going to have to be fixed and made into actual laws. Which may actually turn out to be a good thing, unintentionally.
4. Our country has never been so divided. Nearly half of America believes in insane conspiracy theories. We no longer even agree on what constitutes objective reality.
5. All the cruelty and hate that was at least halfway under cover has crawled out from under its rock. It won't just go back under there now that he's gone.
6. American democracy is at its weakest point since 1860.
In closing, I thank God we don't have t call this Project 46.
Because of Trump
-I see our country torn apart.
-I see how strong our Democracy is and how easily it can be dismantled by authoritarian, right wing conservatives who cling to power.
-I understand what selling one's soul to the devil means.
-I believe that, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - George Santayana
-I understand cultism.
-I understand nepotism.
-I fear for the future.
-I pray for a return to decency and civility in our country.
Headline, 14 December 2020:
First Coronavirus Vaccine Shots Given in U.S., Starting in New York
Because of Trump's incompetence and failure to listen to his General's advice , the very Kurds that I served with, ate with, laughed with, could now be dead. I won't be able to track them down, if they're even alive. When donnie abandoned our allies and friends in Syria, he sealed his fate as a treasonous murderer. He is not concerned about lives lost, he's only concerned about making his own decisions, with zero input from the experts. He has committed war crimes and should pay for them.
Because of trump I have lost faith in American institutions' ability to protect us from tyranny and my fellow citizens' humanity, as well as their desire to remain governed in a democracy. I've lost respect for the office of the POTUS and all cabinet positions in the executive branch. Any respect I once had for Republican Congresspersons is also gone. I've realized how flimsy our honor based system of protections against a corrupt and authoritarian POTUS is when the elected has no honor. I've also come to regret the weak and mealy Democrats and how ineffective they are at doing anything.
Because of trump I've been under near constant stress and anxiety. My blood pressure rose so high, I had a mild stroke. I'm incredibly concerned for the future of this Nation and can only hope and pray sanity returns to its citizens. We were only fortunate trump was such a stupidly egotistical moron, otherwise democracy could have died. What happens when the next "trump" is actually effective?
[Because of Trump]
--I have left the Republican party
--people I once respected have lost that designation
--my children have been exposed to the leader of the free world as a bully, a liar, an inflamer, a cheater, and a 'win-at-all-cost, to-hell-with-anyone-who-disagrees-with-me, individual
--I've lost my daughter to the Trump cult of Q-anon
--my co-workers are divided by those who see him as he is, and those who see him as he portrays himself in the media
--I have had to apologize to my friends abroad for the leader we put in place
--I have family members who honestly believe that the reason he lost is because everyone else cheated.
--I find myself angry and thinking about his antics, rather than concentrating on my family
--I have friends who died of Covid-19, while he repeatedly played off the seriousness of the virus and convinced his followers that He alone knew more about mask effectiveness than the professionals whose job it is to help us in that way.
--I am much more cynical of leaders today, knowing that any one of them could be just a few head injuries away from acting like DJT.
[Because of Trump]
I have lived the last 4 years much as I suspect battered women live their years with an abuser. I cringe every morning, waiting for the latest outrage against my country. The Muslim ban. The very fine people on both sides. The separation of children and infants from their parents. The shithole country quote. The siding with Putin over our Intelligence agencies in Helsinki. Those foolish COVID press conferences while thousands of Americans died. The attacks against gold star families. The careless dismissal of the deaths of thousands in Puerto Rico or the destructive fires in California. The pardoning of corrupt cronies and war criminals. The attempt at extortion of the President of Ukraine to get dirt on a political opponent. The baseless claims of election fraud and the refusal to accept the result of a free and fair election. The blowing up of a COVID aid package 3 days before Christmas. The fear that he might try to illegally steal this election by declaring martial law.
I just want it to be over. I want him gone. I pray we can overcome the damage this incompetent demagogue has done to the country I love.
Newsworthy, 30 December 2020:
U.S. COVID-19 Deaths Surpass 350K
Because of Trump I have much less hope for the future of our country and the planet. I have a much more cynical view of my countrymen, and have been forced to recognize that a significant percentage of Americans are racist, hate filled, deeply ignorant and mentally unbalanced.
Headline, 07 January 2021:
A Mob and the Breach of Democracy: The Violent End of the Trump Era
Headline, 07 January 2021:
After Pro-Trump Mob Storms Capitol, Congress Confirms Biden’s Win
Headline, 07 January 2021:
World Reacts to Shocking Insurrection at US Capitol
Headline, 07 January 2021:
Calls Grow for Trump's Removal After Inciting Deadly Riot
Headline, 08 January 2021:
DOJ Open to Pursuing Charges Against Trump in Inciting Riot
Headline, 08 January 2021:
Trump Faces Threat of New Impeachment
Headline, 08 January 2021:
President Trump Won't Attend Joe Biden's Inauguration
Headline, 09 January 2021:
Twitter Bans President Trump Permanently
Headline, 09 January 2021:
Extremist Groups Intensify Violent Calls Ahead of Inauguration
Headline, 11 January 2021:
Historic Percentage of Americans Want Trump Removed From Office
Headline, 11 January 2021:
Trump Remains Defiant Amid Calls to Resign
Headline, 11 January 2021:
House Introduces Impeachment Resolution, Charging Trump with
'Incitement of Insurrection'
Headline, 12 January 2021:
FBI Warns 'Armed Protests' Being Planned at All 50 State Capitols
and in Washington DC
[Because of Trump] I've lost my youngest son to a vile conspiracy theory. He is no longer part of our family as we quite simply cannot believe a word he says. He is angry, he has purchased a gun and he cannot interact with anyone normally, all because of listening to Donald Trump. I've also had my faith greatly shaken in everyone from the Capital Police, and our military and most certainly our police. I am worried that many of our Congressional Representatives are as insane as my son and will believe anything this mad man has to say. Because of Trump I can hardly sleep at night out of concern for my.family and my country.
Because of Trump I now realize that the people of this country can be controlled by media. That power is used to suit the agenda of the ruling class.
I learned how dumbed down our country has become due to the lack of education which should be a priority.
Trump allowed his followers to fell more comfortable being racists and that the rest of the world was not worthy of any value.
[Because of Trump] I stay pissed off and concerned every fucking day what that unfit unhinged wannabe dictator is going to do.
[State Not Provided]
Headline, 13 January 2021:
Joint Chiefs Remind U.S. Forces That They Defend the Constitution
Headline, 13 January 2021:
House Approves 25th Amendment Removal, Pence Rejects Effort
to Remove Trump
After trump’s tariffs, my employer had to lay off 20% of its employees in one day, ruined our culture and devastated morality — I was working 16 hour days for months before I quit — used to love that job
[Because of Trump] I drink more and I sleep less and I have anixiety I've never had before also 😡
Headline, 13 January 2021:
Historic First: House Impeaches Trump (Again) Citing
'Incitement of Insurrection'
I'm a 67 year old 2nd generation disabled Navy vet. rump, as I call him, has devalued vets to the point of being disposable, hence the bounties he's never addressed. Poor quality medical care by the V.A.makes us sicker & kills us. We are trash to them & rump.
[State Not Provided]
Because of Trump, nearly 400,00 Americans are dead of COVID-19, several of whom were people I knew.
Because of Trump, and his lies about the pandemic, I myself contracted COVID-19 from one of the many people he convinced to ignore safety precautions.
Headline, 14 January 2021:
Under Donald Trump's Watch, the National Debt Increased by $7.8 Trillion
Headline, 14 January 2021:
22 Million Jobs Lost in Pandemic Likely Won't Come Back Till 2023
Headline, 14 January 2021:
COVID-19 Mutations Spark Global Concerns
Headline, 14 January 2021:
Pro-Trump Rioters Plan Second Act — But Not Just in Washington
Headline, 15 January 2021:
Trump's Approval Rating Craters in Final Days
Headline, 15 January 2021:
North Korea: Kim Jong-un Oversees Huge Military Showcase
Headline, 15 January 2021:
'Strong Evidence' Shows Capitol Rioters Wanted to
'Capture and Assassinate' Officials
Donald Trump is best leader America has ever had. He might not be all sophisticated and politically correct all the time but he has heart.
Since he became president I feel more protected because he started to build the wall and he's kept the Black Lives Matter movement in check.
America will certainly be a lesser country without him.
Its was a real shame that they stole the election from him. I really believe that Joseph Biden could have won without his supporters cheating because he too is s good kind hearted man. Personally I believe if they were in the same party Biden would have made a great Vice-President for Donald Trump.
I love everything about Trump, his compassion, his love for America, his empathy and so much more.
West Virginia
Because of Trump
I live in an area that, for the most part, thinks COVID19 is no big deal, they refuse to mask up.
The kids are out if school so I can't work. Our 2 income family is now 1.
I fear my fiancé will contract the virus and/or bring it home to us.
Our family has lost 2 grandparents to COVID19.
Ive never felt so alone because most our extended family believes trump and his lies.
Hoping for the brainwashed to get help and better days ahead.
Newsworthy, 16 January 2021:
U.S. COVID-19 Deaths Surpass 400K
I did not travel to the United States. That's it.
[Not a US Resident]
These Trump years have been the longest of my life. [Because of Trump] I will never see my Republican friends in the same light. I just do not understand how people "fell" for this monster.
Next time:
Vote for people who follow the Golden Rule. (Does Trump even know it?)
Vote for people who are loyal to their wife, their friends...
Vote for people you'd want your children to grow up to be like...
Vote for people you'd leave your dog with for a weekend...
Vote for people who don't hate...
Vote for people who playfair...
Vote for people who can say they're sorry and mean it...
Vote for people who clean up their own messes...
Vote for people who LOVE democracy more then themselves, and understand that it is fragile as all valuable things are.
Because of Donald Trump, I've lost all respect for the party that my state is ruled by
Because of Donald Trump, I've lost all respect for my Attorney General, Alan Wilson
Because of Donald Trump, I've lost any respect I had for my 2 Senators, Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott
Because of Donald Trump, I've lost respect for my Governor, Henry McMaster, and my former governor, Nikki Haley
Because of Donald Trump, I've lost respect for many of my fellow South Carolinians and Americans, because they voted for him, twice
Trump has made me less happy, trusting, and optimistic than I was before
All Trump did was run a country into the ground
I wake up every day, wondering what he did next
Donald Trump is horrible, awful, evil, disgusting
South Carolina
Because of Trump, my teaching day is about two hours longer, yet my instruction is far less effective. I am giving as much one-on-one online instruction as I can fit into my day because it seems to be the only way to get a good connection with my 6th to 12th-grade students. I am pouring my heart and soul into teaching rural teens whose parents proudly wear MAGA hats. Some march right past several signs and come into our tiny school office without a mask. If only their fabulous Man-of-the-People had cared enough about us to model wearing a mask.
Because of Trump, my fellow staff members and I will not get the vaccine shots we were promised. Apparently, when Sec Azar got around to sending out the promised vaccine reserves, the cupboards were bare. Where did they go? No explanation.
The coward just resigned. Operation Warped Speed.
Because of Trump, my family's yearly income has steadily dwindled. My husband works for a national park concessionaire. Operations have closed twice for government shutdowns with no purpose; five times for fires caused by climate change, which Trump has done his best to accelerate; and now my spouse has been out of work for many months directly due to Trump's incredible mismanagement of COVID containment. I'm a burned-out 64-yr-old teacher, but I will not be able to retire anytime soon.
We are the lucky ones, however, because we can afford our housing, our health care is covered, there is food in the fridge, and we haven't lost anyone yet. We thank heaven every day. Most of the families in my school district rent their homes - and if other people hadn't voted in a new President, they would be homeless by spring. I don't think for a minute that Biden will let that happen to my red-hatted neighbors who complain endlessly that he stole the election and will take away their guns.
Worst of all, because of Trump, my wonderful hillbilly way-of-life has turned into a cult catastrophe. I KNOW that the people I love are still inside their bodies somewhere. We used to love and respect each other. Now I must brace myself for glares, lectures, and defiant maskless faces every time I need a loaf of bread. Like so many other libs who live in a red district, I feel like I'm trapped inside a low-budget horror movie "Groundhog Day Too: The Neverending Groundhog Day Zombie Virus."
He's divided my family. We've always been respectful of differences in our political perspectives. However, Trumpism has taken over some family members and made it difficult even to have a conversation on almost any topic that does not devolve into a cultish argument. Very sad.
[State Not Provided]
Because of Trump--
I remain trapped because I have an autoimmune disease and live in a diehard Republican area. To them, other people’s lives don’t seem to matter enough for them to even wear a mask in the grocery store.
Two members of my family are dead. They believed the lie that Covid is a hoax.
Lost relationships with some family and friends because listening to them regurgitate trump speak is intolerable.
Sorely miss face to face interactions with my children,
family & friends who aren’t crazed.
[State Not Provided]
From the moment Mr. Trump mentioned the prescription medication, hydroxychloroquine until this very day, my life has been hell. Trump’s continued cheerleading for a prescription drug with no demonstrated benefit for coronavirus patients lead to a 2000% increase in prescriptions written for the critical medicine. Tens of thousands of patients who depend on the medication to keep their autoimmune disorders under control were chasing a scarce supply of the drug.
I was advised by my rheumatologist to go on half dose until I could be sure to have a consistent supply. I frantically called pharmacies, including Kaiser mail order. Their pharmacist told me they were not filling any Rx for it. Once, promised a two week supply, I arrived at the pharmacy only to discover they had given one week’s worth to another patient.
For two months, I had to get by on half dose.
The lack of sufficient medication lead to a flare up of my autoimmune arthritis and I am still dealing with debilitating pain in my ankles, thumbs and joints to this day.
Hydroxychloroquine was found to actually increase the probability of bad outcomes for patients with Covid-19. [Because of Trump] There are literally tens of thousands of prescriptions for this med that were filled and are likely going to be thrown away. And there are tens of thousands of people just like me with lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogrens, etc. who were cruelly injured by having their essential medication taken over by science deniers and opportunists.
I used to back the Republican Party but Trump has made the party violent, racist, and corrupt and divided our great country like never before. Now, the Republican Party is seeping with domestic terrorists and ignorant folks with cult like ideologies who will bow down to his every request. Trump has not only downplayed a deadly virus but incited a terrorist attack against our nation’s capitol.
[Because of Trump] I'm a Democrat now and embarrassed to call myself an American. I’m ready for change.
These past four years have been beyond stressful under the Trump administration.
Because of Trump I feel like my family was represented to the best of his ability! Yes Trump talks like a truck driver but who the Fuck cares. When Trump said he was going to do something for the American people (weather we liked it or not) he worked his ass off to get it done!! People blame the pandemic and the way the Country is falling apart because of this pandemic but seriously people!!!!! He did everything in his power to get us a vaccine as fast and safe as possible. Can you tell us any other president that has gotten that done?? Oh wait you can’t because we are in the midst of a pandemic, not 1 person can control this so to blame our president is just wrong!! I believe he did the best he could under these circumstances, what would Obama or Clinton done differently? We surely wouldn’t have gotten a pandemic check or a second one that Trump didn’t want to sign until it said all Americans get $2000 ! Now Biden is saying we will all get $1400 as soon as possible, because he is riding Trumps back, taking credit for something Trump did. Let’s not forget how Obama had to correct things Biden had said in public. On live television, yea I remember when Biden said Fuck something and Obama corrected it. So when Biden starts talking like a real human are we all going to be on his back? I doubt it, as long as someone other than Trump is saying it then it is acceptable. This Country is going to hell in a handbag when Biden is in office.
[Because of Trump] I don’t feel safe in my own country. I am consumed with fears and paranoia about how so many Americans want to hurt other Americans. I’m genuinely afraid we are going to lose our country in a second civil war.
Watching the video footage from the January 6th insurrection reminds me of how I felt watching 9/11 coverage in 2001. The difference there was 9/11 united our country. January 6th did the exact opposite.
I voted for Joe Biden, in Texas. And I’m proud of my vote. I’m sad that after everything he’s done, Donald Trump managed to get 74 million votes.
Because of Trump I lost the interest deduction on my mortgage.
Because of Trump the prices of many goods increased, including those coming China.
Because of Trump I cannot safely meet with my grandchildren.
Because of Trump the world is less safe. The USA is a dangerous place to live.
Republician for years until Donald Trump.
I ashamed that my prior party supported and many repeated all of the lies of D Trump
[Because of Trump] My prior party has lost their honor and respect for their party, their country and any right to claim they are honorable.
I do not even recognize my prior party and what it stands for anymore.
Winning should never replace honor or our locality to our country. Without our country we are nothing.
D. Trump was and will always be an embarrassment to the republician party and our country.
So many lives lost...I hope my prior party thinks of this every day and searches their soul as to why they supported this man.
[State Not Provided]
Because of Trump my partner and I are working out the logistics of leaving the U.S.
He showed us that living in the U.S is not safe nor worth it. We have to worry about right-wing domestic terrorists more than ever.
I have had friends intimidated and assaulted by his ilk.
The U.S is a backward country attempting to masquerade as a progressive powerhouse.
Trump is leaving tomorrow, but his nutjob supporters are still here, and whether they stay tethered to his cult or move onto the next right-wing lunatic, they are still going to be here and a massive problem.
I wish this place could be better, but as it stands, many Americans don't want better and will do everything they can to regress this country further into a shithole.
I absolutely despise Trump, and I despise his cult of supporters even more.
Because of Trump:
I likely have elevated cortisol levels. Every day, sometimes several times a day, Trump would issue a statement, say something provably false, or take a hammer to our democracy, and I would get angry, get depressed, feel utterly hopeless. The really horrible part was that he never let up. There were many issues/balls in the air, and they were all unfair to average Americans, lower-income Americans, and people lost and struggling in poverty. They hurt workers, they hurt the environment, they hurt the economy, and they endangered lives. They didn’t seem to hurt corporations with highly paid CEOs, though. They didn’t hurt any Senators or Congressmen. People with lots of money ended up with even more money.
Because of Trump, I believe our country’s security has been compromised. I have no doubt that Trump has passed along state secrets. Who knows when we might be attacked. Trump cares only for money and power, and I fear he will still be able to take this country down.
Because of Trump, civility has evaporated. Making fun of people is fair game. Being openly racist now seems to be acceptable.
Because of Trump, even Truth takes a beating. Nothing from his mouth or his administration is honest. Fantasy rules.
And because of Trump most of us are afraid, scared of what the next thing will be.
Thank God Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were elected. Thank God Mitch McConnell won’t be the Senate Majority leader.
[Because of Trump] ... my wife and I have endured more explicit, outward racism than ever before, and the open presumptions by white people of the certainty of their own POV of a given situation than ever before. In addition, to top it off, almost every white person we have known has expressed an exaggerated sense of insult and disrespect at the notion of racism and the part they play - however knowingly or not - as opposed to actually wanting to combat Actual Racism. Surely, these issues were always present, always simmering below the surface of polite interaction, but in the past four years it has truly exploded, and there is a powerful lingering of entitlement everywhere.
The so-called Leadership of the Trump Administration has been nothing but an open door to utter mediocrity and toadyism in the public arena and true ugliness in the private.
It has been a horror show.
Because of Trump, I felt the need to create Project 45. Of the many other countless ways I could recount Trump personally affecting my life, I feel the creation of this webpage is most important.
I have heard and witnessed how many individuals-- family, friends, casual acquaintances, and complete strangers-- have likewise been affected by this one man's words, actions, and policies. I've seen families torn apart, stood by friends crying in anguish, scared for their freedoms and existence, and I've heard of immeasurably more whose very lives will never be the same again. The one thing that stood out to me was the need to be heard. These hardships and pain would be immediately salved by an open heart and a sympathetic ear. And yet, as with many of Trump's close-minded proclivities, the exact opposite effect took over the nation and further separated us, silenced us, and ultimately hurt us all. Project 45 was my way of bringing us back together, my own small contribution amidst the mayhem providing an outlet to share our voices and try to truly understand each other once again.
This has honestly been a tough six month endeavor. As a relatively unknown artist, getting the word out about Project 45 was extremely difficult and yet I believe I managed to gather quite an array of viewpoints that paint an accurate portrait of what our country currently looks like under the Trump administration. These last four years have been trying on a lot of people, including myself, but actually hearing the stories of fear, anger, pain, and suffering from much of the nation is a truly humbling experience. I am touched and honored by the individuals that have shared their stories here with me and participated in this small project of mine. I hope this record will live on, a glimpse of history written in real time. And if this piece changes one mind, touches one heart, than I feel accomplished.
And so begins a new era, hopefully one of healing, compassion, and unity... with liberty and justice for all.
20 January 2021
Headline, 20 January 2021:
The Trump Era Ends with an Otherworldly Inauguration
92 Recorded Submissions
Project 45 Solicitations and Participation Ended on Inauguration Day 2021.
Headlines provided by numerous sources including ABC News, BBC News, CBS News, CNN,
FOX News, Google News, NBC News, NPR, US News, and Yahoo! News.
United States COVID-19 data provided by worldometer.
Your interest in Project 45 is very much appreciated.
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