- A true gentleman bluffs only when he is prepared for the event when his bluff may be called.
- A true gentleman must hold the door open for all women. This is not an outdated idea, nor is it demeaning to a female’s sense of independence. It is simply common courtesy, and that never goes out of style.
- A true gentleman does lose his cool… but only in private.
- A true gentleman may love like a lunatic but not like a beast.
- A true gentleman is more interested in doing right than being right.
- A true gentleman accepts and admits when he is wrong.
- A true gentleman knows how to dance.
- Unless when absolutely necessary, a true gentleman can walk away from a fight.
- A true gentleman is always aware of and mindful of his surroundings and therefore acts accordingly.
- A true gentleman listens to his woman.
- A true gentleman dresses appropriately for every situation. This includes form as well as function, for it is obvious what to wear when, but equally important that the chosen attire fits and is worn correctly.
- A true gentleman dresses well but never better than his woman, for she is always the focus of his attention.
- If spoken for, a true gentleman keeps his sexual and romantic energies invested in his woman.
- The true gentleman has fantasies, but only divulges them to the woman involved and only if she is his.
- A true gentleman stays physically & emotionally connected to his woman at all times and does not shut down.
- A true gentleman compliments all women, but dotes only on his own.
- A true gentleman does not make promises he does not intend to keep.
- A true gentleman is well read. If literature is too daunting in either size or scope, a true gentleman is at least well read in current affairs such as magazines and periodicals. This includes not only the sports section of a newspaper or the comics in a magazine, but politics, foreign affairs, and the arts as well.
- A true gentleman does not disparage another.
- A true gentleman defends a real woman’s honor.
- A true gentleman walks before his woman if a situation is precarious, behind her when he leads her, and beside her in all other affairs.
- A true gentleman looks in the eyes of who he speaks.
- A true gentleman knows food and can recommend at least one preferable restaurant when asked for, either inexpensive or luxurious dining.
- A true gentleman can read his audience and acclimate himself to it, for he is never too modest or too proud to disassociate himself in any regard.
- A true gentleman is never jealous. Rather, he cherishes what he has and misses it in its absence.
- A true gentleman is never vain, but is aware of his appearance and grooms himself according to his own liking.
- A true gentleman wears cologne, but never bathes in it. Sweet spots for application include the inside of the wrists and the sides of the neck behind each ear. This is not for style, but by design; the main arteries of the body run through these points, the blood then absorbs the fragrance and transports it throughout the rest of the body.
- A true gentleman only lusts in his dreams.
- A true gentleman does not spend frivolously but gives of his money as thoughtfully as he does his words.
- A true gentleman is persuasive, not persistent.
- A true gentleman can sing at least two songs.
- A true gentleman is never inappropriately obscene.
- A true gentleman drinks socially but never to excess.
- A true gentleman is self sufficient. He can cook, clean, sew, repair, and provide in any fashion for himself. This is not only for his benefit, but in preparation for those he will provide for in the future as well.
- A true gentleman treats elder women as if they were his own mother.
- A true gentleman is never caught unarmed.
- A true gentleman forgives but rarely forgets.
- A true gentleman has a favorite flower.
- When out with a woman, a true gentleman either leaves his phone behind or silences the ringer. He never answers the phone and only checks for messages upon restroom breaks, of which two is the maximum (any more than two interruptions—unless unscheduled—and the date is meaningless).
- A true gentleman is a charismatic presence. This is not an act, it is an ideal.
- A true gentleman can carry a conversation but very rarely leads one. He is mindful of others and open to opinion. He never interrupts but, when necessary, politely disagrees.
- A true gentleman does not gossip.
- A true gentleman does not assume. Rather, he seeks the answer.
- A true gentleman is inquisitive, but never invasive.
- A true gentleman always knows the time.
- A true gentleman is tidy and well kept.
- A true gentleman acknowledges when he requires assistance and requests it.
- A true gentleman cries. Only he knows the appropriate time for this act.
- A true gentleman is admirably resourceful.
- A true gentleman at least attempts to acknowledge all those he passes. At minimum, this involves eye contact and a tip of the head.
- A true gentleman is firm, but not forceful.
- A true gentleman accepts criticism. What he does with it is his own prerogative.
- A true gentleman is indebted to no one.
- A true gentleman writes well, both in legibility and clarity of thought. He knows that good grammar projects intelligence, and intelligence is sexy.
- A true gentleman smiles when his picture is taken.
- A true gentleman buys gifts for others on his own. They need not, however, be wrapped by him.
- A true gentleman can name at least one famous actor, author, artist, and musician of both genders.
- A true gentleman does not follow blindly.
- A true gentleman should try everything at least once.
- A true gentleman has his fears, but shares them with only an intimate few.
- A true gentleman knows the eye color of at least two women, one of which is his mother.
- A true gentleman never introduces himself with a nickname.
- A true gentleman is not afraid of color.
- A true gentleman knows what color looks best on his woman.
- A true gentleman only buys intimate attire for whom he has already been—and will continue to be—intimate.
- A true gentleman smokes only after asking permission unless he is in his own house.
- A true gentleman flosses.
- A true gentleman calls his mother weekly.
- A true gentleman says “I love you”.
- A true gentleman can mix a proper drink.
- A true gentleman has at least one hobby and he is not ashamed of it.
- A true gentleman can admit to his regrets, but never divulges them.
- A true gentleman does not kiss and tell.
- A true gentleman returns phone calls within 24 hours.
- A true gentleman can keep a journal, but never allows anyone to read it, nor does he read it aloud to anyone.
- A true gentleman owns at least two pair of dress shoes.
- A true gentleman is ambitious, but not avaricious.
- A true gentleman remembers.
- A true gentleman owns at least one plant; has at least one piece of artwork (other than a poster) on his wall; owns a tasteful recliner, and keeps wine and wine glasses in the house even if he doesn’t drink it himself.
- A true gentleman always uses his napkin, but never stuffs it in his shirt.
- A true gentleman wears a belt or suspenders, but never both at the same time.
- A true gentleman only wears multiple black garments from the same fabric.
- A true gentleman’s jewelry should be kept to a minimum. He never wears more than one ring and one necklace and he never wears silver with gold.
- A true gentleman is well manscaped, but never completely shorn.
- A true gentleman grows stubble but never keeps it longer than three days unless attempting to grow a fuller style.
- A true gentleman admires but never stares.
- A true gentleman excuses himself from his company before answering a call or text message.
- A true gentleman makes time for his children.
- A true gentleman always says “please” and “thank you”.
- A true gentleman removes his shades once indoors and removes his hat when seated at the dining table.
- A true gentleman never shies away from a question, but also reserves the right not to answer it.
- A true gentleman is always available for his woman, his children, his family, and his friends... in that order.
- A true gentleman sees his doctor at least once a year.
- A true gentleman never strikes a woman or child. There simply never comes the need.
- A true gentleman should know one good story to tell. The epic of Gilgamesh is perfect.
- A true gentleman covers his mouth and/or turns his head when coughing, sneezing, or yawning.
- A true gentleman is computer literate.
- A true gentleman escorts a woman to his car and opens the door for her. Upon leave-taking, he again opens the door for her and escorts her to her door. He does not drive away until he sees that she is safely indoors.
- A true gentleman is in a state of perpetual learning & evolution.
- A true gentleman offers his seat to a woman, or the elderly, when no other seats are available.
- A true gentleman owns an iron or steamer.
- A true gentleman knows a good tailor.
- A true gentleman doesn’t just talk the talk.
- A true gentleman knows both his and his woman’s measurements and sizes.
- A true gentleman is strong, even when silent.
- A true gentleman does not judge.
- A true gentleman pays for any dinner date or meeting he initiates.
- A true gentleman knows a woman orders first. He also makes suggestions from the menu, but never orders for her unless he is asked to do so.
- A true gentleman is up to date on current events. This is information is preferably garnered from more than one source.
- When at a social event, a true gentleman always introduces his woman appropriately with respect to their relationship, i.e. “This is my wife,…”. This not only serves as formal introduction to others, but also exudes confidence and respect for your relationship to them—and more importantly, to his woman—as well.
- A true gentleman avoids a quarrel with his woman in public. This is reserved for behind closed doors.
- A true gentleman does not mumble but does not speak too loudly. Speaking loudly raises stress levels, implies an inability to reason with others, and draws only negative attention.
- A true gentleman does not spit in public.
- A true gentleman does not laugh at another’s mistakes.
- A true gentleman does not eat until all members of his dining party are present and served.
- A true gentleman helps his woman with her coat, draws her seat, and stands when she enters the room.
- When at a social event, a true gentleman always asks his woman if she needs anything. This shows he cares about her comfort and needs.
- A true gentleman is not a braggart.
- A true gentleman does not groom himself in public.
- A true gentleman is punctual.
- A true gentleman both pays the check and tips the server discreetly.
- A true gentleman projects high moral values.
- A true gentleman escorts a woman to her car when she is alone, even if she is not his.
- A true gentleman has his own pen.
- A true gentleman removes the smoke (cigar, cigarette, pipe, etc.) from his lips when a woman or child passes by.
- A true gentleman always carries a woman’s packages.
- A true gentleman never removes an article of clothing, other than outerwear, in public.
- A true gentleman is a gracious guest.
- A true gentleman sends hand-written thank you notes for any gift he receives.
- A true gentleman shares his umbrella with a woman when it rains and offers his coat to her when it is cold.
- A true gentleman never speaks with food in his mouth.
- A true gentleman retrieves dropped items.
- A true gentleman walks on the outside of the sidewalk when with his woman. This is a form of respect and protection.
- A true gentleman does not reach across another at the dining table, but instead asks for that which is out of reach.
- A true gentleman never has to repeat himself.
- A true gentleman does not wear the same clothes two days (or more) in a row. He will likewise never wear the same outfit in the same week. This rule may only be broken with regard to camping.
- A true gentleman clears a path, for a woman walking opposite his direction, by stepping to the side to let her pass.
- A true gentleman should own-- and use-- one piece of exercise equipment. A pull-up bar is perfectly adequate and is not invasive by taking up space.
- A true gentleman does not dye away his grey hair.
- A true gentleman does not wear flip flops; buy a pair of sandals.
- A true gentleman marks special dates.
- A true gentleman wears protection. This applies to all activities that require such attention, from applying sunscreen before going outdoors to wearing a condom before having intercourse.
- A true gentleman is not embarrassed to buy feminine products for his woman should the need arise.
- A true gentleman has watched at least one 'chick flick'... and will watch more with his woman when asked.
- A true gentleman does not beg.
- A true gentleman does not apologize for others.
- A true gentleman indulges in moments of divine spontaneity, not irrational impulses.
- A true gentleman does not live with his parents after he has initially moved out. If anything, his parents live with him.
- A true gentleman never lends money; he gifts it.
- A true gentleman does not sleep in public.
- If you want to leave her, leave her breathless. If you want to lie, lie next to her. If you want to let go, let go of your pride and pursue her.
- If a woman admits that she likes you, know that it took every ounce of courage in her to say that. Don’t take it for granted.
- Good looks are just a bonus to a great personality.
- A man’s biggest mistake is giving another man the opportunity to make his woman smile. True gentlemen do not make this mistake.
- If she’s amazing, she won’t be easy. If she’s easy, she won’t be amazing. If she’s worth it, you won’t give up. If you give up, you’re not worthy.
- She will smile all day long knowing that you remember and cherish every single moment you are together, so tell her all your sweet memories together.
- A true gentleman does not tell a woman that his love is forever unless he has no doubt it is.
- Grand gestures and complimenting the little things are not opposites. A true gentleman knows this and does both.
- Play with her fingers. She loves the way your hand touches hers.
- A true gentleman knows that kisses aren’t everything; never underestimate the power of a good hug.
- A true gentleman should only be able to hurt his woman by holding his woman’s hand to tight.
- A true gentleman can make a woman bite her lip… for whatever reason it is done, it is because you’re doing something damn good!
- A true gentleman holds his woman if she is crying.
- A true gentleman is confident, not cocky.
- A true gentleman knows that even stupid lame jokes can lead to awkwardly adorable moments.
- A true gentleman always cheers for his team… win or lose.
- If a true gentleman has a woman fall in love with him, he is prepared to catch her.
- A true gentleman never underestimates a woman’s ability to discover anything.
- A true gentleman never compares his woman to others… his woman is incomparable.
- A true gentleman loves a person for who they are, not who he wants them to be.
- A true gentleman never rejects a kiss or hug from his woman.
- A true gentleman knows that a woman’s “nothing” is always something.
- A true gentleman never leaves his woman without kissing her goodbye. The same holds true before going to sleep.
- A true gentleman never accuses.
- A true gentleman never needs excuses.
- If spoken for, a true gentleman never goes to parties or hangs with groups of people (other than his close guy friends) without his woman.
- A true gentleman believes in his woman.
- On a date (or otherwise), a true gentleman walks his woman to her door. The same is simple courtesy for other women (should the occasion arise) but not necessary. In this case, a true gentleman still waits until the woman is safely indoors before leaving.
- A true gentleman never forces anything.
- A true gentleman never gets his hopes up.
- A true gentleman never lets his guard down (unless he’s with the woman he loves).
- A true gentleman honestly falls in love when he is ready, not when he is lonely.
- A true gentleman knows that the sexiest curve on a woman is her smile.
- A true gentleman forgets the pains of his past, but never the lessons he has learned from them.
- A true gentleman never apologizes for his feelings.
- A true gentleman never lets someone get under his skin, no matter how hard they try.
- A true gentleman does not stereotype women; they are not all the same.
- A true gentleman follows his heart, for his brain always plays his heart’s best wingman.
- A true gentleman always acts like he’s wearing an invisible crown.
- A true gentleman knows that a woman doesn’t have to be more than a friend.
- A true gentleman’s differences do not make him uncanny; they make him a limited edition.
- A true gentleman maintains a modicum of mystery.
- A true gentleman knows his enemies as well as his friends.
- A true gentleman stands up for his woman, his beliefs and ideals, and himself.
- A true gentleman knows that if he expects time with the guys, he should expect to give his woman time with the girls.
- A true gentleman embraces his flaws and is true to who he really is.
- A true gentleman is always the one who buys the first round... because no one ever remembers the guy that buys the other rounds.
- A true gentleman is never afraid to fail. Failure is a bruise, not a tattoo.
- A true gentleman is never the same. He's better.
- A true gentleman talks because he has something to say; a fool talks because he has to say something.
- A true gentleman does no harm, but takes no sh*t.
- A true gentleman is one that offers more to the world than what he takes out of it.
- A true gentleman understands that a moment of patience in a moment of anger saves a hundred moments of regret.
- A true gentleman finds the beauty in even the ugliest of days.
- A true gentleman knows that everyone you will ever meet knows at least one thing that you don't.
- A true gentleman doesn't throw in the towel; he uses it to wipe the sweat off his face.
- A true gentleman writes letters. Texts and DMs may consume our daily lives and seem enduring, but tangible notes and letters take more thought & time and therefore hold more weight.
- A true gentleman should know how to make soup. Even a simple broth can take little time and effort, but the benefits to calm as well as nourish are invaluable.
- A true gentleman is encyclopedic. Learn what you like. It’s not about knowing it all, or knowing what’s trendy, but about getting to know your own taste and, ultimately, yourself.
- A true gentleman spends time with his friends. To avoid people—to isolate—is all too easy, especially when you’re texting with those people regularly and can savor the illusion of connectedness. But surrounding yourself with friends is way more important than we think.
- A true gentleman walks. Movement is probably the most powerful antiaging thing you can do. Rake leaves. Scrub pans. Yank weeds. Anything as simple as that will help stave off cognitive and physical decline.
- Our material possessions are a physical manifestation of our internal lives, and so a true gentleman knows when and how to dump the clutter.
- A true gentleman knows how to listen. Actively.
- A true gentleman is comfortable being overdressed.
- A true gentleman doesn't dwell. Decide what's really important and move on,
- A true gentleman always carries cash. Even a single Jackson can be a savior in a pinch... for you or someone else!
- A true gentleman isn't fussy about food. You don't have to like every bite, but give it a try! If you don't like it, now you know for sure.
- A true gentleman owns up to his mistakes. Apologize. Learn. Evolve.
- Don't let others know when your confidence takes a hit. A true gentleman acts as though everything is fine, because eventually it will be.
- A true gentleman invests in good bedding. Even if you're the only one sleeping in those sheets, life is too short for shoddy linens and a bad night's sleep.
- Likewise, a true gentleman invests in quality tools. These will be different for all of us, but they are (and not limited to) a good pen, a proper umbrella, a sturdy shoe horn, or a dedicated alarm clock.
- A true gentleman understands the difference between knowing he can knock a guy on his ass and threatening to do so in public.
- A true gentleman is mindful of his money. He splurges when necessary and is happy to pick up the check for loved ones, but also pays his debts and makes sure to save for the future.
- A true gentleman knows how to calm someone down. Listen, empathize, and validate.
- A true gentleman is gracious. He takes the time to express appreciation to friends, family, or colleagues because verbalizing gratitude strengthens relationships and creates a positive social environment.
The Rules for Being a True Gentleman are Copyright GalleryBound © 2011